Alarm clock. Awake now. It's time to get up. It's still dark outside, but i have to get out of bed. There's a lot to do today. Make sure I remember everything I have to do before I leave. Eat breakfast, get ready, brush teeth, load up the car. Did I forget anything? I don't think so. Ok. Get in the car.
It's still so dark out. Turn on the lights. Pull out of the driveway. Ok. On my way. When I get to school, don't forget to make those copies to send home and pick up that book from Mrs. What'shername and drop of that supply order to the principal and change the newsletter on the bulletin board and what else, there was some thing else. Argggh, there's so much to do! Did I forget anything? And it's still so dark outside.
The drive seems so long in the dark, and void enough to let my thoughts take over all else. It's not even 7:00 yet and muscles are tight. Coffee is warm. Soothing, but not for long enough.
But what's this...something's different. The something has changed. The sky is less black and more blue instead. Maybe I can handle this day, what it may bring.
The light rims
of the clouds
I now see
give me hope.
A change again, now streams of pick and coral spread like cotton across the sky. The shade of blue in the sky is ever slightly lighter now.
Don't miss the left turn. Got it. From here I can see the golden Source of light across the horizon. The Light has revealed a beautiful field of greenery, growing in rows, surely to produce a plentiful crop. At least the drive has nice scenery. Feeling a bit lifted, like to day is going to be a good day.
WOW! The Sun has risen above the horizon, I can see it clearly now. A gorgeous sight. Breathtaking. What a view! Glad that I still have a way to go until I get to school. Let me take this Sunrise in as long as I can. Drink it in. God, today is going to be great! Thank you for showing me your beautiful Sun so that I can have hope as I face my daily struggles!
Day Two:
Alarm clock. Awake now. It's time to get up. It's still dark outside, but i have to get out of bed. There's a lot to do today. Make sure I remember everything I have to do before I leave. Eat breakfast, get ready, brush teeth, load up the car. Did I forget anything? I don't think so. Ok. Get in the car.
Oh...but there will be the Sunrise...I can't wait.
(And there it was, and it was awesome!)
Day Three:
Alarm clock. Awake now. It's time to get up. It's still dark outside, but i have to get out of bed. There's a lot to do today. But I can trust in the Sunrise. Today is going to be great! Ok! Get in the car.
Day Thirteen:
Alarm clock. Awake now. It's time to get up. It's still dark outside, but i have to get out of bed. There's a lot to do today. But I can trust in the Sunrise. Today is going to be great! Ok! Get in the car.
But on that day, on that drive, my Sun did not lift above the horizon. The skies stayed the color of charcoal the whole way. Where has the Sun gone? Will it ever come back? I don't know if I can face this day without the Sun shining on me. My strength is gone, my coffee is cold, there's so much to do. Can I even make it through? I trudge on.
The day drags on, heavy and burdened. The clock turns and turns. Kids get on the bus. More to do. Then back in the car.
Yet the grass looks brighter as I walk outside. I lift my head to the sky and see that the Sun has broken through the dark clouds. The Sun was not gone, only hidden by the clouds. Oh, why did I worry so much over nothing. He was there all along, though I did not see Him. My Hope has returned!
Yes! Even when we cannot see His face, God is with us. Sometimes, we cover His face with our own dark clouds of worry and busy-ness. Sometimes we do not see His face because we have turned our face away. The Truth is, God is Emmanuel (God with us). He is ALWAYS with you.
"Even when I did __________?" you ask. Yes then, especially then! He kept you out of harm's way, or used that moment to begin a turn toward save you from further pain.
When your skies are dark and stormy, seek the Lord and you will find Him. Even before you seek Him, He is seeking you because He loves you.
"He rescues you because He delights in you." Psalm 18:19
"It is God who arms you with strength and keeps your way secure." Psalm 18:32
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
-Numbers 6:24-26
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