Saturday, September 29, 2012

Somebody slap me!

So, as I come on here, I's been over a year since I posted here.  I am so terrible!  This year I guess has been pretty busy.  I have been on my grad school path to get certified to teach.  This semester I am co-teaching 2nd graders as part of my field experience.  Next semester is student teaching, then I graduate!  Yay!  
Enough about me, here's what God has been showing me this past is about relationships!  This sounds like a simple statement that we all know already, but some how for me the true meaning of this is just coming to me finally.  I am realizing how little I know about healthy relationships, and seeing ways to work on my current relationships.  That's family, friends, coworkers, neighbors.  I think some of this comes naturally to some people, but not me.  Left to my own devises, I would never leave home, and I would not say a word to just about anyone I encounter.  I am such an introvert, that my behavior to social functions naturally includes hanging out in the corner, watching everyone and listening to other people's conversations.  
I am getting better.  I am slow to warm up, but I am becoming more courageous to talk to people and interact with others.  The biggest hurdle for me is overcoming all the negative self-talk.  This has been a huge task my whole life.  I thought I conquered this before, but I guess not.  I hear the whispers in my head say, "They have plenty of friends.  Don't call; it will be a bother.  They don't want to hear what I have to say.  They don't care."  I know this is not true; nevertheless, I hear it.
This summer, the more relaxed schedule allowed me to meet with some wonderful ladies at my church one on one.  I do much better this way than a crowded room.  I got over some fears and shared some of myself and listened to their life as they shared with me.  As I continue in this practice, I am learning that we can be there for each other for real and in earnest, and I am not alone in the things I feel and go through each day.
Now I am attending a new (new for me) small group.  In a room of a handful of other Christian women, I am getting more practice sharing myself and building each other up in the Lord.  It is such a fulfilling feeling to go through the Word together, learn from each other, and pray for each other.  Such a great community we are building.
Going forward, I know I can only get better at this.  And I will try to post more often.  I am almost done reading through my Bible.  (Hopefully the first of many times.)  I started Philipians today!  I am loving Paul's letters to the churches.  I am seeing a lot about Faith over Fear.  (More to come later).
In closing:
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  John 13:34-35

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