Sunday, January 24, 2010

So how am I doing?

Well, if this was about successful daily reading and staying on schedule, I would say, I have already failed and it's only day 24 out of 365. BUT, it is not about that, it is about spending time with God, and hearing His Word. I don't read each day like I should, yet. I didn't even start on Jan 1. My first reading was Jan 5th, and I managed to read 5 days worth at one time, it wasn't bad at all. Today is day 24, and I think I'm still on about day 18. Not too bad, I think. If it takes me more than a year, that's ok with me.
The point is to get into it and read it and leave changed. Each time I have sat and read, I gain a new bit of insight into Life and how to live and how to think. Not just from proverbs, but also Genesis, Mark and Psalms. Even in all the history that is hashed through in Genesis (that I have read so far), there is something to be gained from reading it.
I started this blog not just to catalog my experience reading, although that is a natural outcome of blogging, but because my reading to find answers is leaving me with more questions. Like how can Jacob be so blessed by God, when he has acted so wrong toward his brother, father, father-in-law? And why is it ok for Jacob to have two wives and two other maidservants that he lies with in addition to his two wives? I know God said to multiply, but I would not be a happy wife to Jacob. (approx. Gen 25-36)
I would love for any one reading this to join me if you feel the calling to. I am following the bible reading schedule from this website I will be posting here questions, comments, and observations that I encounter in my readings. If you are reading the bible in a year also, and would like to post here with me, I am happy to use this place as a discussion board for other readers. Email me your interest, and I will add permissions for you to post. Happy reading, and I do hope you will join me.

Reading the Bible in One Year

So, I decided in December that I would make this year the year that I would read through the Bible.
Who am I? I am a christian whose walked through shadowed valleys, and open fields. I grew up attending church, learning all the frequently taught bible lessons, gaining all the moral lessons meant to be gained from these stories, and trying to be as good as I could be.
As an adolescent christian, I failed at "being good," and gave up the attempt as I quickly became covered in a spirit of shame and worthlessness. I traveled through the darkest valleys I have ever known, darker than I ever knew to exist before then.
And some how, through God's gracious mercy, and unfailing love, He carried me out of the valley and brought me into a beautiful spacious place (Psalm 18:1-19).
As a growing christian, I am learning that Christianity is not just about "knowing the stories," and "being good," but it is much more! I am learning that the Bible is not merely a collection of stories and moralistic fables like Aesop's Fables, but it is much, much more!
Christianity is about the Truth of God's love for us, which was so great that he sent his only Son, while we were dead in our Sins, not because we were righteous and deserving, because we are not. And the Bible is the testament of that truth, so that we may know the Truth, and the truth will set you free!
Knowing this now, about the Bible, I feel it is time, as a christian, that I read this book of Truth written by God. So that I may fully understand His Truth.